poniedziałek, 15 lutego 2021

Opowiadania inspirowane rysunkami

Uczniowie każdej szkoły partnerskiej narysowali obrazki. Na ich podstawie napiszemy krótkie opowiadania (około 10 zdań). Swoje opowiadania wpiszcie w komentarzu. Najciekawsze  zamieścimy w poniższej prezentacji. 

6 komentarzy:

  1. Alicja PL Greece because it is beautiful

  2. One day I went outside. It was very snowy that day. I decided to make a snowman. I prepared all the necessary things. It took me 2 hours to make a snowman. When I looked at it, I noticed that something was missing. The Santa hat was missing, so I went home to get it. When I got back, I noticed a lonely dog ​​next to it. At first, I was afraid to approach him. The dog was very nice and wanted to play with me. We had a lot of fun, I even put on a Santa hat on him, he looked great in it. We've been best friends ever since. We go for a walk together every day.

    Miłosz D. kl. VII D

  3. Oliwier PL
    Cyprus art
    In the morning Mr.John decided to walk out his dog. On the way he met his friend Anna. Then they went to the garage. There was dark inside. John turned on the light. His dog started burking. In the middle of the garage there was a small box with baby cats. Mr. John gave a box full of cats to Anna. Anna was very exited.

  4. Spanish art
    Yesterday morning I saw that it was snowing outside. I ate breakfast. Later I got dressed. After some time, I went ice-skating with my friends. We've been on the ice rink for about 1.5 hours. Suddenly I fell over. My friend helped me up. I AM HAPPY that nothing happened to me. It was getting late so I went to home. When I got back I was very tired so I went to sleep.
    Monika B. 6g

  5. Maja PL
    Croatia art
    Yesterday morning I went outside with my dog. When I left the house, I saw a pretty girl. She was wearing a purple dress. I decided to talk to her. Her name was Kate. I invited Kate for coffee, but she said she had to go home now.
    I said goodbye to her and returned home after a while.

  6. Julia T 8D
    One day I made an appointment with Kasia for ice skating, but Kasia could not go with me, I was very sad because I was very focused on ice skating with Kasia, finally my mother asked why I was so sad, I told my mother everything She decided to go ice skating with me so I was very happy when we got there. A lot of my friends were there so we decided to play tag and it was really fun.
